Hello ma’am, I knew him as a family friend when I was in school. Once I grew up, his friendship with me has increased and over the past few months, our meetings are getting romantic. But now he is a married man with children and he still keeps coming to meet me. I am a college student and he is much older. The problem is that I am attracted to him and also addicted to his messages. Since the past year, he has been going through some marriage problems. While I am drawn to him and can’t get him out of my head, he too doesn’t miss a chance to hug/kiss/hold me. We connect mostly on WhatsApp. But I don’t want to to go deeper in all this! Even though there is no ‘affair’ to speak of yet, I want to get over this married man and get him out of my mind. But am unable to do so! Please help me. Mallika Pathak says: Dear College girl, Getting over someone is not easy. You need to brace yourself for hard work that needs to be done to snap this chord of attachment. The truth of the matter is that whether the feelings are mutual or not, getting emotionally attached to a married man rarely ends well. It’s an encouraging sign that you’re conscious of the pitfalls and want to stop loving a married man before getting sucked in too deep into this quagmire.
In love with a married man – how to stop it
Having an initial strong ‘no contact’ rule will certainly help you in moving on. As you want to move ahead in life, and put all of this behind you, the first thing that I would recommend for you to do is to immediately stop all contact with this person. No calls, no message chats, and absolutely no meeting. Letting go of a married man you’re already attached to will be hard, as you will crave the attention all the more. Don’t worry. That is a natural response.
Get over a married man
For saying goodbye to a married man for good, you need to find other things to occupy yourself with. Engage your mind in tasks and hobbies. Keep yourself busy at work. Reconnect with friends, hone a skill and pursue it further. When you’re too emotionally invested in a situation, your judgement tends to get clouded. A reality check can help you stop loving a married man. For this, consider taking a trustworthy friend into confidence. That can help in case you feel that it’s difficult for you to exercise that amount of self-control. Ask them to supervise you, or even take your phone away if need be. Remember, this will be for your benefit.
Put yourself first
Whether you have to break up with a married man or nip a potential affair in the bud, putting yourself first can help you in your endeavors. Be mindful of what you’re looking for in a partner and a relationship. Small tasks like listing out the pros and cons of the current relationship will help. Be honest with yourself when you do this. The most important thing is to focus on self-growth and self-development to be able to walk away from a married man. Make yourself feel special. Give yourself love and attention that you think you deserve. Appreciate yourself. This will serve to be an excellent time to understand who you truly are. Don’t immediately jump into another relationship. Give some time for your self to heal.
Get into therapy to process all these emotions, it will be an exhilarating experience. All my regards, Mallika From Team Bonobology, We think that we have no choice when it comes to matters of the heart, but one always has a choice. It is about deflecting your mind every time it wants something which you know will spell disaster in the long run. Married men are attractive, they are normally more settled, and hence, have that sense of power and authority around them. They may also pay extra attention to you which is very charming but this transgression will mess up your life in the long run. Ask yourself the right questions, and you’ll be able to find a way out of this situation. Take care!